Maternity Photoshoots
Carrying a baby whether it's your first, fifth, or even someone else's (you rockstar!), comes with a new set of challenges. I completely remember the lovely waddle, the need to use the washroom (what seemed like) every 5 minutes, and the ever stronger kicks from my baby to my ribcage. It can completely wear you down and I know the struggle between wanting to have those moments captured forever, and just having a nap.
But there's a glow of confidence, this absolute magic that happens to a mom right in the weeks leading up to meeting her new love. I want to capture that feeling for you: your story of being so close to your little one and all the excitement, fears, and changes that will come with that meeting. Tell me all about your plans - is there a big sister or brother who has also been eagerly waiting? Is this your one and only? Your miracle of love that you can't begin to explain because your heart is already bursting? Show me the room you've decorated, where you'll spend your longest nights awake, rocking your baby to sleep. Sing your favourite song to them, have dad or second mom take a moment to just hold all of you, let me capture the details of your bump as baby rolls around.
And once that little one has joined you? Make some time for yourself! Let me capture moments of your bond together nursing, snuggling, or playing. Explore a creek together with their little hand in yours. Those moments you love as a mama should never be forgotten - and neither should you. Your babies will always love their mom, so make sure you have memories of you with them to share.